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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Elysee

Could You Move And Live Overseas?

How many people do you know, friends, family and colleagues, have at some time or another said to you "I wish I could just go somewhere and relax in the sun, I'm over this same sh!t".

Most of us fantasize about making a Lifestyle Change, however the thought of it is so daunting that it remains exactly that, a fantasy! And before we know it, 10, 20, 30 years have passed, we look in the mirror and think "I wish I did that years ago, now it's too late".

Well I have news for you. With the right planning, research and strategy, it not only can become a reality, but you can make a short or long term Lifestyle Change not only for yourself, but your family too, and not create a huge dent in your finances or overwhelm yourself with stress.

I made my first move at 24 years of age in 1994, moving from Sydney to London, well before the internet, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc, were even being thought about, and ended up living there for almost 10 years, traveling all over Europe and the Caribbean, and having experiences that will live long in my memory, not least creating my family with two beautiful girls.

Last year at age 52, I did the same thing, moving to Pattaya in Thailand where I now reside, and again having experiences, at a different stage of life, that will last long in the memory, and this time being fortunate enough to have social media at my disposal and being able to record and document my experiences for family, friends, colleagues, and now followers too.

With my experience and knowledge, as well as motivational and management training that I have accumulated, I can provide you all the tools and skills necessary to make a Lifestyle Change that you will be able to input not only into your lifestyle planning, but also into your life in general so that you can meet every challenge placed before you and manage them successfully to create the life of your dreams.

Get in touch to find out more.

#instagram carloselyseeofficial

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